The Culture Plate Gang with Team Thomas employed puppets as a unique lecturing device on an educational topic. Discover More
Describing JT (Professor Emeritus John G Thomas, PhD, academically) is not hard. Here are several you may find interesting:
Citizen Soldier.
Outdoors Person, close to nature, in the cold.
Professor Emeritus John G. Thomas, PhD, is recognized as an “International Educator and Global Microbiologist “ ( having lectured in more than 43 countries while a clinical microbiologist in pathology (Professor), dentistry (Clinical Professor) and Graduate School Education (Adjunct Professor) for 54 years , his research emphasizing biofilms and medical devices. He has recently focused upon micro 3-D- bio Printing of contour fitting gauzes using bio-plastics and unique Prebiotics with Therapeutic Bacteria (Beneficial Bacteria) for chronic wound intervention (SMarT Gauze); this integrates a common pathway, visualized through his ‘Microbial Clock’ and recently created Center of Hologenomic Clinical Studies ( Center) which underscores a “Dual Citizenship” and co evolution of symbiotic microbes and human ecosystems. “Microbes Matter”. His Probiotic Solutions integrates Computer Decision Support for Probiotic (Beneficial Bacteria) Guidelines combining AI, Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine, expanded recently to emphasize Chronic Wound Care and Aging, hypothesized now as a disease.
Check out my photography hobby on my SmugMug.
The Microbial / Microbiota Toolbox
Lectures/Presentations/Book Proposal, 2024 John G Thomas, PhD. Professor Emeritus
American Society of Microbiology. ASM Microbe. Atlanta, June 13-17, 2024
Rutgers University, Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences - School of Health Professionals, Laboratory Sciences, Infectious Disease Course, May 28 - August 14, 2024
American Society of Microbiology, Clinical Virology Symposium, Long Beach, October, 7-10, 2024
The American Institute of Oral Biology, Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, October 18-20, 2024
Introducing Professor Malcome Moosalamoo our latest addition to 'The Culture Plate Gang',
He presents a more global perspective for ANIMALS, highlightinging the ONE HEALTH Theme of the WHO: Animals, Humans and Earth, our Globe" Travel to the 'Teaching with Puppets' Section for more definitive information on Professor Malcome.
ASM, Houston, TX.
June 2023.
OLLI at WVU, School of Public Health, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
3 Lectures, May 2023.
J. Thomas. “Banking on Your Microbial Wealth: A Common Language for Health Education.”
The Lorenzo Berra Clinical Research Group / Anesthesia Center for Critical Care Research (ACCCR), Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard, Boston, MA.
"Fridays with John". XV Lectures to Inspire and Motivate creativity in clinical Microbiology, focused on airway infections in Critcal Care patients influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Index: Quick Links to Microbial Solutions
American Society of Microbiology (ASM) MICROBE
JUNE 9-13, 2022
Washington, DC
Abstract 5109
"Refinancing Your Microbial Wealth with Probiotics, 'Microbial Loans': A Banking Concept"
American Society of Microbiology (ASM) 2020 National Meeting
Banking on your Microbial Wealth: Common Ground for Senior Citizen Education.
Designing an Instructional Microbial Periodic Table for Clinical Microbiology: Critical Thinking.
MICROBIAL JUSTICE: 2020 Forward with MICRO-CENTRIC position
Judge Oliver (for Oliver Wendel Holmes) as Puppet 11 of the Culture Plate Gang, and Scales of Justice in the interface between Humans and Microbes.
Microbial Banker, involved in Microbial Portfolio and Wealth Management
Who controls our microbial world and how is the control strategy implemented? What are the politics of microbes, “I” vs “Me” and is there a Microbial UN? Most importantly, what can we learn from microbes as in the “Politics of Socio-Microbiology” (Biofilms) and the similar behavior patterns of microbes and humans under stress. Here, we Re-Imagine Microbiology via parallel political themes: “Don’t Trash Your Microbiota” and “Microbes Matter”. Power of Political Buttons: Microbes for Election
Negotiating with Microbes and “How to Build a Better Human through Microbiology”: a Paradigm Shift
How can we better manage our ‘Microbial Kin’ and evolutionary partners in health and disease? What are the steps or strategies to implement the theme, “Germ Theory to Germ Therapy”? How can we capture and harness (to our benefit) the genetic strength of beneficial microbes in Wounds, Oral health and Aging/Dementia, particularly those lost with aging? Therapeutic Bacteria as Pre/Probiotics naturally or as supplements recognizing the ‘Power Within’
One Health: Animals, Human’s and our Globe
What can we learn from the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, and the importance of animals as significant novel virus reservoirs? How important is it to invest in pandemic surveillance as described by the WHO and to address the impact of global warming and human incursion on global ‘Mother Nature’. How does this enhance our ‘Critical Thinking’?
I specialize in many different capacities utilizing my expertese in consulting, expert witness, and speaking/entertainment. If you would like to learn more about my services, I encourage you to explore my opportunities area and see how my 51 years of experience can help you.
Dr. Thomas is an energetic international/global microbiologist recognizing his far-ranging academic appointments at Cardiff University, Wales, UK and NUS (National University of Singapore), compared to Northeast Ohio University College of Medicine (NEOUCOM), Rutgers University and WVU, nationally. Dr. Thomas has often traveled more than 30,000 miles/year, often outside of the US, most recently focusing on Asia Pacific, China and Australia/New Zealand, addressing a diverse audience of more than 3,000 scientists, physicians, dentists, nurses and public health practitioners/year. Locations in his 43-country lectures/workshops/ research initiatives have included Cancun, Mexico; Wuhan, China; Manila, Philippines; Brisbane and Adelaide, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Mumbai, India; Cheshire, England; Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland; Stockholm, Sweden; United Emirates and multiple locations within the UK during his 6-month sabbatical at Cardiff University.