The Culture Plate Gang 11 + 1

"The Culture Plate Gang with Team Thomas employed puppets as a unique lecturing device on an educational topic."
About the Gang
A Worldly/Global Educational Team, each with specific topics, chosen carefully to reflect the theme and knowledge of the important pathogenic Microbial World and Prof Thomas' Translational Research, where "Image is Everything". These are designed to delight while educating, recognizing that learning should be fun, entertaining and enjoyable, while carrying a serious message. They areresponsive to audience composition and education, being helpful to any age group from hospital setting to nursing home, to children, to academic classroom, national or international.
This concept was created by Prof Thomas as an adjunct to his energetic style, reflective of his 50 years of experience and international travel. They are a growing Team, recognizing the ever changing microbial world and its importance in the Concept of One health: Humans, Earth and Animals. This introduces the important background for the emergence of new viral pathogens, most recently covid viruses, including SARS, MEARS, and Covid-19.
Future additions to include "Harry Herpes" and "Ellen Ebola", "Molly Microbe", adding to the most recent additions of "Infection Control/Prevention Sally" and "Louis Pasteur", The Father of Microbiology.
One Health
The UN WHO organization to enhance recognition of the growing interdependence of our shared microbiota: Animals, Humans, and the Earth, our globe, now described as our eco-system. Animals include Candy Candida and Malcomb Moose. Humans Include Historical Louri. (Louis Pasteur), Marco Polo, and Infection Control Claire. Globe includes Biofilm Bradford, Planktonic Phyllis, Vicky Virology, Antibiotic Resistant Rachel and Cat Scan, Probiotic Buster, and Dexter, the Germ-man (2 faced).

"Candy" Candida
- Fungome, part of microbiome
- LEGO Block as universal –Co-aggregate builder
- Gets along with antibiotics
- Acts as a procaryote (bacteria) but is a true eucaryote (human)
- LARGE: 5 – 10 times bacteria
- ICU and debilitated patients
- Oral health: Nursing Homes, Dentures, Caries
- Travels by humans
- Industrial lines
- "Sick Building Syndrome"
- Bi – Polar Growth (split personality) Yeast 37% Mold 22% - Multi - phasic

Malcomb Moosalamoo "Professor of Outdoors"
- Of the postulated 22 millions animals on earth, there are 1.6 million animal viruses
- Animals include wild, domestic and pets, each contributing to global warming and reduction of natural forestry, particularly cattle.
- Moose are vegetarians, quick to anger and inhabit a colder, northern hemisphere, particularly Canada.
- Malcome is our first homemade puppet, croched by Apple K, Morgantown, WV using eyelash and acrylic yarn.

Infection Control Claire
- Associated with Phageome and control of GUT population dynamics
- Policewomen
- Gives out tickets
- Produces fines
- Control Freak!
- Music: Siren!
- Transportation: Dump Truck
- Politician/Beaurocrat
- Regulatory Geek
- "Not Documented/Not Done"
- Has rules
- Independent

Dr. Louis Pasteur - Historical Louis
- The Father of Microbioloby

Marko / Polo
Explains the new Hologenomic Theory of Co-Evolution between microbes (MARKO) and Humans (POLO), highlighting our “DUAL CITIZENSHIP”. And promoting our 2 themes, “Microbes Matter” and “Don’t Trash your Microbiota”.
- “US”, representing both human and microbial partnership. Coexistance
- 1014 population
- 1 Chromosome
- 8-20 million genes
- Replicates every 20 minutes
- Changes with aging, emphasizing our Microbial Clock
- Is continually reinforced and challenged with global and animal microbes as replacements.
- Amplifies Health and Disease with neural-hormonal bi-directional interface
- 1012 population
- 23 pairs of chromosomes
- 23,000 genes
- Replicates every 75 years
- Has Metabolic Diseases, amplified by microbes

Biofilm Bradford
- “Structure=Function”. Marriage with microbiota, adding stability, persistance. Coexistence , ABX resistant, A biofilm is a procaryotic tumor, or a tumor is a eucaryotic biofilm.
- DOB 3.4 Billion Years Ago
- Global Milleu
- Microbial Socioligist
- Microbial World
- Biofilm

Planktonic Phyllis
- Free floating, involved in metastasis
- DOB 2.3 Billion Years Ago
- Earth
- Disease Transmission
- Local Friends
- Planctonic

Resistant Rachel and Cat Scan
- Unstable
- Multiple Personality
- 20th century
- Global Traveler by Broom stick
- Wizard of OZ ..favorite movie
- ICU favorite hotel room
- Responds to selective pressures (ABX)

Probiotic Buster
- 3 personalities: Pre, Pro and post biotic. Maintaining our microbiota.
- Sentinel
- Wellness
- Balance
- Likes leafy vegetables
- Can travel GUT or Oral location
- Outcompetes or neutralizes residential bacteria
"Microbiology Re-Imagined", 2017

Vicki Virology
- Part of Virome. Bacteriophage, good viruses. Bacteriophage, most prevalent species on earth, control GUT population dynamics at birth, microbiome maturation.
- Animals / Bacteria
- Cell Culture
- Molecular (PCR-like)
- Henretta Lacks (HeLa)
Diseases /Symptoms
- Acute / Ebola
- Chronic / Herpes
- Tumorogenic
- Intracellular parasites DNA Integration
- Coronovirus: SARS, MEARS, and Covid-19

We created the Microbial Clock in 2005, to visualize the emerging partnership between 8 chronic
diseases and changing microbes over a life time (Hologenomic Theory), recognizing 4 age categories
with color codes: Green, infant and childhood(0-12 yr ), Yellow, Adolescent (12.5-18 yr ), Orange, Adult (18.5-55 yr ) and Red, Aged ( 55.5-75 yr ). The Nobel Prize in 2017, defining a 24 hr. human circadian rhythm/clock, helped us integrate the human Microbial and Biologic clocks, highlighting Functionality with “Dual Citizenship” and Marco Polo (Puppet 10), and the introduction of Puppet 11, DUAL CLOCKS, a dual faced human, clock puppet, named, GERM-MAN. Most importantly, it helped us visualize an integrated common pathway for multiple diseases, catalyzed by Dr. Martin Blaser.
- 24 hr clock. Human segregated by gender and age.
- Circadian rhythm, Day and Night.
- Life long, (years) with 4 COLOR CODED sections, 0-100
- Emphasize changing microbial populations with time, highlighting a decreasing diversity
- Highlight correlation with 8 chronic diseases
- Unmask the importance of decreasing microbial populations and emergence of fungi over a life time.
- Highlight Birth and Aging populations
- Human (US) and lifetime clock and microbes
- 24 hr. Circadian rhythm > Night/Day
- Synchronized with Earth Revolution: Night and Day
- Regulates: behavior, hormone levels, sleep patterns, metabolism, BP, heart rate and reaction time.
- Highlights rapid changes in microbial quantities over 24 hrs .
- Attributable to PERIOD GENE.
"Microbial Justice and Microbial Weath Management", 2020
Legal Scholar, Microbial Banker, involved in Microbial Portfolio and Wealth Management

Judge Oliver, Legal Scholar
- Demands respect (hologenomic community)
- Overrules or sustains objections (humans and microbes)
- Instructs the jury on the law (human and microbes)
- Sentences criminals (human cancers and pathogens)
- Maintains order in the courtroom (biofilm)
- Hands down judicial rulings
- Grant and/or denies motions (offending microbes)
- Enforces the microbial 10 commandments
- Understands Covid-19 and mandates: Social Distancing, masks, and intervention.