Our Microbiota: Co-Evolution and Hologenomic Theory

Background / Introduction
AGING: A Treatable Disease. The unmasking of the human microbiota as our ‘second brain’, focused attention on the highest microbial concentration, the GUT, as an incredible array of 4 -5 lbs of unharnessed genetic information. Microbial experimentation further unmasked a ‘gut brain axis” (GBA) and the importance of this information transferred both to the brain (UP) and from the brain (DOWN) to the GUT microbiota. Cognition and Learning Disabilities could be seen in GUT and Oral changes of our microbiota, and ultimate recognition that aging could be potentially influenced by our microbial partners. In 2017 the CDC promoted the concept that aging was a disease, potentially an infectious disease, making it a target for microbial intervention via probiotics and or antibiotics, highlighted first in the best seller “Brain Maker” (2015) and most recently (2018), “The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food and the New Science of the GUT-Microbe Connection”. We will dissect these and the possibilities for our own health and aging, including my latest reference guide (www.globalbugs.com/Aging ). Puppet: Louis Pasteur.
A. Origin
National and International studies in 2007/8 unmasked the hidden microbial world of Homo sapiens and the partnering of pro-caryotes and eucaryotes, coining the new Term “Super Organism” (Figure 1)REF 1 . Additional studies highlighted the importance of this balance in disease and health , better characterized by a phyla -signature than individual species . An “Anti-Koch “ theme emerged that recognized 6-8 Phyla versus 10,000 species in H. sapiens . It further emphasized the genetic strength of the pro-caryotes (metagenomics ), given the microbial world outnumbered the eukaryotic 1014 vs 1012 representing 8,000,000 genes vs 23,000 , respectively .
B. Development
- It began with the Human Genome project (EU and US) (2007), the integration of molecular tools defining who we are, genetically (MARCO), followed shortly by who our microscopic partners are, genetically. (MICRO).(REF )
- We found our co-habitants or microbiota were more diverse and complicated than imagined, encompassing the microbial spectrum, both bacterial (16S) and recently fungal (18S)(REF ), with representation of potentially 10,000 species more functionally divided into 10 phyla on a taxonomy scale. More importantly, the total number of microorganisms (10 to 12 vs 10 to 14 were essentially 200 times in greater number, representing approximately 8 million genes vs 25,000 (REF ),providing a combined genetic pool 330 times larger than humans, which could be envisioned as a non-structured ‘organ system’.
- These findings unmasked the importance of our microbiota/mycobiota in health and disease. Tracking changes in the microbiota over time, particularly for chronic and metabolic diseases, allowed us to formulate a ‘Microbial Clock’ that defined time and 6-8 phylotypes in association with 10 diseases (REF ), unmasking the significance of missing microbes with age ; this echoing the challenge described my Martin Blaser, MD, of diminishing microbiota with age and disease (REF ) , a possible reflection of ONE Health: Animals, Humans and Earth.(REF )
- Simultaneously, the emerging, global (REF ) use of probiotics as “therapeutic bacteria” (TB) and Germ Therapy was astounding, where WHO described 1/3 of population used them at an expenditure of $85 billion in 2015(REF ).This highlighted our terms, “dual citizenship” and “organ transplants” , catalyzing us to provide increased education via our searchable probiotic data base (Probiotic Solutions) (Bac-2-Health)(2013) and the use of “Partners-4-Life” Concept (www.globalbugs.org)(2016). It also forced us to recognize the limits, perhaps consequences, of miss-used antibiotics, so eloquently described by Dr. Stewart Levy in 2002.( REF ) and the importance of “stewardship” for our microbiota as well as antibiotics (“Microbes Matter”) ; hence, we focused our oral health and chronic wound research with tissue engineering on “reconstructive microbiology”, employing the ‘disruption:reconstruction’ Hypothesis with, initially, silver followed by TB in a contour fitting gauze.(SMarT I,II, III) (Ref).
- In 1992 (REF ), a new description of our beneficial synergistic relationship was introduced, Hologenomics, describing the human-microbial interaction in evolutionary terms as a central hallmark of all life on earth ; it highlighted 3 key features (REF ) with X characteristics (Ref ) and scientifically outlining the inter-dependence of the healthy Holobiont upon its total hologenome via the combination of both Macro and Micro symbionts. It was a parodyme shift from Pasterurs’ recognition of pathogenic bacteria, and according to the 2011 Pulitzer award winner, Dr S Mukherjee, MD, a calling for humans to reconsider what was ‘self’ and ‘who’ we were. It also provided an umbrella under which the manipulation of the microbial gene pool and co-evolution had credibility and a scientific hypothesis for interventional strategies with probiotics, while renewing the need for diagnostic studies (Clinical Microbiology) in missing or shifting microbial phylotypes. (Anti- Koch)(M Blaser)
- Hence, the timely evolution of designing, developing, and integrating a “Center (of Excellence) for Hologneomic Clinical Studies” emphasizing probiotic as gene pools and information support, integrating our expertise in Biofilms, Education (Partners-4-Life) (www.gloalbugs.com) and Clinical Microbiology with a defined Mission and Goals, addressing 3 key questions. It reflected the growing scientific interest and increased publication aligning Hologenomics (REF ) and co evolution with probiotics as major contributors towards better health, decreasing the use of antibiotics, while highlighting One Health: Humans, Animals and Globe(REF).
HYPOTHESIS: The use of Probiotics can in view OF Hologenomic Theory
- Restore/replace via Restorative Microbiology (naturally Or artificially), the historical balance via Co-evolution of Microbes and Man (Hologenomic Theory of co Evolution) and the combined genetic strength (Hologenomics), signaling and beneficial interface between the two (macrobont and microbont).
- Address with intervention the “Missing Microbiota” (M Blaser) in selected metabolic, chronic diseases from birth to death (Microbial Clock), including the aging process and associated cognitive impairment (AD).
- Reverse the pathogenic process of selected infectious diseases associated with a microbial imbalance without the use of antibiotics (C. diff.) , recognizing evolution (patient relatives) (EnteroType I, II, III)
- PROBIOTICS. What are key characteristics of ideal probiotic, including size of genome, lysogenic, biofilm producer, vs published literature. Can we construct a chart defining a pool of studied probiotics, magnifying a construct of 3-5 probiotics, each with a known function? Can this construct recognize changes in the normal host bioburden and bring “intelligence “ to the MOA via microbial signaling. (Intelligent Design)
- CHRONIC WOUND CARE. Can we integrate the SMarT Concept with the 5Es where : A)SMarT equals, S= Synbiotic probiotic, M=Mixed probiotics, ar=minimal antibiotic resistance, T=therapy, and B) the 5 Es: 1. Ecologically Sound (patient); 2. Environmentally Friendly (One Health, Humans, Animals and Globe); 3. Engineered Intelligently; 4. Economically Feasible ( cost justifiable, downstream benefits ; 5. Education (Bac-2-Health).
- AGING AND DEMENTIA. Is aging a disease that is manageable with restorative microbiology, (how, when and where)??, and can dementia be altered by unmasking an early predictive change in the oral microbiota that promotes interaction with comorbidities? Prevention and or curative.
Linking Probiotis and the Hologenomic Theory Of Co Evolution
- Improving a) General Health OR b) targeted diseases by making an informational change at the cellular and/ or molecular level with activity enhanced by a Prebiotic , together, SYNBIOTIC, providing co-active libraries of genomic information (macrobe and microbe), collectively the hologenome.
- Microbiont’s derive their lineage from co evolution (Hologenomic Theory of Co Evolution ) together of procaryotes and eucaryotes , recognizing evolving “Dual Citizenship” and symbiosis (SYNBIOTA) and the importance of the microbiota acting as an unstructured organ system with individual members assigned specific duties analogous to individual tissue/organs, addressing potential use of Mini (Oral/Skin ) or Maxi (Enteral) “transplants.”
- Recasts the individual macro holobiont as subject to evolutionally genetic forces brought about by changes in the microbiome, including acquisitions of new microbes (Natural or drived, Probiotic), horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and/or changes in abundance (Ratio) within the macrobe (host), and transferable to offspring.
- Recognize the importance of “Missing Microbes “, a declining information library (microgenome) over time (M Blaser), often focused in targeted metabolic diseases (chronic) in our Microbioal Clock and the potential of Replacement Therapy or Restorative Microbiology (probiotics), recognizing “loss of microbial diversity”,(particularly low frequency background isolates) may directly contribute to pathogen selection and persistence (VAP).
- Emphasize the importance of recognizing “who we are” as a individuals (macrobe and microbe holobiont’s)(S Mukherjee) and the CENTRISTS feature of the latter as Partners in Life, short and long, health and disease, possibly aging, acting as a “declining biomedical network” or intergenomic association, potentially amenable to probotics.
- MEDICINE. Explore and expand the medical/dental benefits of probiotic intervention (GERM THERAPY as disarm and replace) as genetic resources (Gene Mining or Functional Genomics), recognizing the co-evolution (Shared Benefits or “mutualism”) of both human and microbial symbionts and the consequences to the total hologenome (Macro and Micro) in health and disease.
- EDUCATION. Provide for the public and professional health care provider, a searchable library of information on probiotics and the strengths and merits of individual research studies (Bac-2-Health)
- MICROBILOGY. Unmask the changing Microbial Clock and it phylotypes in chronic and infectious diseases, addressing a diminishing/missing microbiota and its impact as potential targets for probiotic intervention (RESTORATIVE MICROBIOLOGY) in diseases such dementia and aging and local, including chronic wound care and VAP.
- RESEARCH. Define the key characteristics of beneficial probiotics, and clarify/define the pathways (Ying/Yang Hypothesis) that microbes interact with humans, recognizing the gut brain axial and that probiotics can be immune modulators and/or bioburden reducers, the overall consequence to health or disease organized as pro-inflammatory vs healing, best described by the Yin/Yang Hypothesis.
C. Intervention
In 2013, we introduced our 4 stage color-coded Microbial Clock (MC); this addressed published microbial phylotype changes to 2 parallel diseases (2015): 1)young ( Asthma and Autism ) and old ( VAP and AD ); this was followed (2016) by tracking oral microbiota changes in patients with cognitive impairment, reporting 3)missing microbiota, all highlighted by 4) potential intervention of restorative microbiology (probiotics), grouped in our educational, searchable data base. (2016) (Probiotic Solutions, www.globalbugs.com)
D. Calculating Your Microbial Credit Score
Teaching microbiology to aged learners (“aged”, >55yo) can be a difficult task given the unfamiliar content. Recently, this has been exacerbated via the weaponization of public health, necessitating the accurate education of this voting population; they will elect decision makers on their health programs when it counts most: retirement.
Recognizing the dynamics of an aging population (FIG I), we wanted to track aged participation in voting, recognizing electorate naivete in science; this also acted as a catalyst for expanding microbial education using a successful template that highlighted “a banking theme.” (FIG IA) (REF 1) Its purpose was to provide a common tool to measure microbial health over a lifetime: the Microbial Credit Score (MCS); it could track health decision affecting the human microbiota.
We used US data for 5 recent presidential elections, 2000-2020, emphasizing voter registration and participation for the aged (FIG 2). The creation of the MCS to educate the aged via “banking”, was discussed with a bank manager, bank credit manager, and bank risk manager. All supported the FICO Financial Credit Score model with financial points as a comparative template for our Microbial Credit Score. (FIG III)
The US population is aging, and characterized by an increase in voter registration and voting since 2000: up 17%. (FIG II) The Microbial Credit Score model was arbitrarily divided into 3 Sections, color coded from Green to Yellow/Orange, to Red, top to bottom; this corresponded to 850-750 pts., Good, 739-580 pts. Fair, and 579 -300 pts., Bad, with 660 deemed Neutral 9FIG IV). For both the Financial Bank and the Microbial Bank, we compared parallel growth curves from 25-65 yr., “Accumulation”, and 66-90 yr., “Protection” (FIG V), highlighting 3 ‘Wealth Disruptive Categories’, each with 5 ranked, scored ‘Impact Values’ of +30, 0, and-30 pts. (FIG VI) These included ‘Behavioral Categories’, but emphasized previous hospitalization, antibiotics, nursing home, dental care, and co-morbidities, where applicable. Ultimately, parallel Summary Plots were created for Financial and Microbial activity, at 6-time intervals, separated by 15 years from “Accumulation” to “Protection” as X(Score) vs Y(Time), a Microbial Histogram; Neutral score was 660pts for FICO and MCS, the start for score calculations. (FIG VII)
Our ‘Banking Theme’ as an educational tool continues to expand, providing an understandable base for aged individuals not comfortable with science and at risk of misinformation. Here, we introduced a MCS, providing an active tool to compare their own microbial health to financial, using a recognized score: Good, Fair, Poor.
Calculate your own Microbial Credit Score.