Microbial Globe

International Center Of Excellence For Biofilm Translational Studies Linking Disruptive/Restorative Microbial Engineering (SMarT)


"Germ Theory to Germ Therapy"

John G Thomas Ph. D.,  Professor Emeritus

Our student driven  Biofilm Center of Excellence   integrates dentistry, medicine and industry research  unmasking the correlation with eukaryotic  tumor structure and 4  Growth Stages (I-IV) of  Biofilm and Planktonic lifestyles (Stage 0) for both bacteria (16S) and fungi (18S), where "structure equals function.".

Current Clinical studies  and trials focus on 2 chronic diseases where oral, mobile   Microbiota (fungi and bacteria) in unbalanced oral health,  establish extra oral infections , Ventilator Assoc. Pneumonia (VAP) and Chronic  Wounds ,  magnified by a common destructive  pathogenic pathway and target : MMPs.

Clinical dual intervention (SMarT,  I and II)  focuses on metagen-OMIC defined strategies, highlighting  1) probiotic /synbiotic  reconstructive microbiology matched to patients 4 -Quadrant  "Microbial Clock" (Aging),  following 2) disruptive  reduction via "Suit" appproach of Biofilm/Plankltonic  bio-burden , initially strengthened by rich fungal-bacterial communities often attached to a surface.

Collaboration emphasizes global network- and international microbial stocks -where present 'culture –OMICs' and BARDOT  laser  laboratory studies include : 1) oral health and new, unique cost effective caries ( SDF) and endodontic intervention (probiotics),  2) reducing oral linked  endotrachial airway occlusion in VAP with antimicrobial peptides (CSA 13) , 3) chronic wound management with gauze delivered honey, silver gel and/or probiotics/synbiotics, 4) suture biofilms, and 5) effects of anti-tumor drugs against biofilms where C. albicans  is the "Universal Co-aggregate."

Recent investigations magnify  the use of unique pre biotics and micro 3-D bio-printing to enhance anti biofilm disruption/reduction engineering. 


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