Microbial Globe

SMarT Concept : Ecologically Friendly


John G Thomas PhD Professor Emeritus

Intellectual Design integrating disruptive/restorative microbial engineering via Probiotics :

  1. Intellectual Design for public health care linking1) disruption of microbial bio-burden (both Biofilm and Planktonic phenotypes)  followed by 2) Restorative (reconstructive)microbial engineering(Pre-Probiotic/Synbiotic), effectively reestablishing   viable , protective 1) normal skin microbiota and 2)tissue regeneration (recognizing that the tissue microbiota is the largest human organ system)
  2. This Pre-Probiotic  /Restorative approach has strong EU/UK history in oral health (dentistry) with growing ,emerging application in multiple ,costly Public Health Diseases, Birth to Death, but never linked in a single concept of Minimal Intervention(MI) recognizing the collateral damage associated with global over use of antibiotics , MDR (23,000 USA deaths)  and  amplification  in under six month of age children chronic  diseases ,  including asthma, allergies, diabetes and obesity.
  3. The emergence of Pre-Probiotic Therapy has been catalyzed by recent advances in microbiota/mycobiota and metagenomics ( Genetic Strength), unmasking the important of our  4-Quadrant  "Microbial Clock" and  interaction/signaling of  procaryots - eucaryots (bug-bug , bug - host tissue and host  tissue – host tissue)  via immuno -amplification/up regulation and organism bio-burden reduction below "critical colonization" pathogenicity .
  4. Although initially focused on chronic wound care/ silver dressings, the  "suite platform " approach of  silver dressing disruption/ probiotic restorative intervention has potential broad public  health care application, including  incorporating biomedical sensors , nanotechnology   and 'micro 3-D bio printing'   directed at 1) prevention as well as 2) curative outcomes. 

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